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TEN YOU GUMI : Who we are?

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2007 天遊組 天王寺道場スタート。毎年10月に展覧会を開催。


2011 主宰天遊に同行し、フランス・トゥール「XX art 展」、ニューヨーク「JAPAN DAY@Central Park 2011」など、震災支援イベントに参加。福島県いわき市の保育園に毎年ワークショップ訪問。

2012 主宰・天遊とフランス「YAMATO le Japon en Touraine 展」参加。

2013―14 震災支援の展覧会参加のため、UCバークレー,サンマテオ大学などでライブパフォー マ ンス

道場:谷中「天王寺」(月2回週末)、駒込「遊庵」(第2, 4木曜日)

天遊組HP https://tenyougumi.com
お問合せ info@tenyougumi.com

The Road to TEN YOU GUMI

TEN YOU GUMI is our group of great individuals gathered under TEN-YOU. We have been fascinated and inspired with Kodai Moji, the origin of the current Kanji characters. We have been actively taking part in many events throughout the world and continue showing “Sho-Art” from Yanaka Tennouji worldwide.We provide the regular calligraphy class, and occasionally hold the workshop of drawing Kodai Moji on the special made Japanese traditional folding fan and seal engravings workshop. We also accept many visitors to our workshops from abroad so far.

2007 Kodai Moji Art Group, TEN YOU GUMI was started at Tennouji temple in Yanaka. Hold the exhibition here every year.

2008 Works appeared in several art events in midtown Tokyo, Ginza, and more.

2010 Held the first overseas exhibition and workshop with TEN-YOU in Barcelona Spain

2011 Went together with TEN-YOU to “Japan Day @ Central Park 2011” in New York and in France. After the 3.11 Earthquake, a Workshop for Children was offered in Fukushima Prefecture and more and conveying the spirit of calligraphy. Do an art event support assistance to the affected areas in Japan and overseas.

2013,2014 We held a workshop in UC Berkeley ,Collage of Sanmatio and more…


Work Studio:

Yanaka Tennouji (Twice a month weekend)、 Komagome 「Yuuan」(Thursday of 2nd &4th week)

※Looking for participants
HP https://tenyougumi.com
E-mail info@tenyougumi.com

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