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今から約3300年前、中国・殷の時代 (日本の 縄文~弥生時代) 神と王との交信(占い)を記録するために作られた、特別で神聖な文字。




What is Ancient Characters, Kodai Moji?

About 3,300 years ago, in the Shang Dynasty in China,the communications between God and King were recorded with sacred characters, which were also called divination.
They are the origins of current Chinese characters, “Kanji”.
In those days the Heaven and the Earth were connected with a ladder,God was found everywhere and people accepted the nature, life and death in awe.
Such ancient spirits are symbolized by Ancient characters.
The roots of tens of thousands of modern Japanese “Kanji” are certainly found in the 3,000 characters.

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